Recreational sports clubs are a great chance for you to get active. We all know this physical and social connection is good not only for are physical health but it also has massive benefits to our mental health as well. The human body was built to move and some of the best medicine we can give ourselves is a few doses of good old active participation in any recreational activities you enjoy best. Below we uncover 12 of the biggest benefits that you can develop over time from participating.

1. Improved Heart Health
Let’s start with one of the most popular benefits of playing sport regularly: the ability to strengthen your heart health. This allows you to reduce the risks of stroke and heart attack. Plus, you will be able to bring your blood pressure under control and reduce your cholesterol levels.
The good news is that you don’t need to go to the gym every day to get an improvement in your heart health. According to scientists, it will only take 150 minutes of activity a week. A few rounds of a recreational sport should be enough to keep you fit and healthy.
2. Losing Weight
Exercise is one of the best ways to shed calories and lose weight. But that doesn’t mean that you need to spend hours in the gym. Many recreational sports offer an intense, whole-body workout. You’ll get your body moving and start sweating. But you’ll have the encouragement of your teammates to keep you motivated along the journey.
3. More Toned Muscles
As you improve in the sport, you will be able to push your body further. As a result, you will start to improve your muscle tone. But this is about more than just looking good in the mirror. Muscle tone will allow you to improve your posture. This will allow you to cut down on pain. Plus, it will allow you to store energy. Thirdly, toned muscles will give you more elasticity, so there is less risk of hurting yourself.

4. Better Sleep
A sporting session will leave you sweaty and exhausted. This is because you are burning up your energy stores. As a result, you will be able to sleep more easily at night. A healthy sleep routine is one of the best ways to improve your focus and concentration during the day. This will help you increase productivity in the workplace Click here for Why are Recreational Sports so Important?
5. Improved Skin
Interestingly, regular exercise might be able to help you develop glowing skin. When you are working out, the pores on your skin will open up. This allows you to expel sweat. The blood flow to the skin also helps increase collagen production. This reduces wrinkles, making your skin naturally plump. Oxygen flow to the skin will help to deliver nutrients to give your skin a natural shine.
This goes more than just your appearance. For many people, glowing skin, combined with less weight, and more muscle tone will boost their self-confidence. Feeling good about yourself and your body is the key to improving your mental health.

6. Improved Mobility for Older Adults
As you get older, the risks of falls increase. This can be a major problem, with the risk that you will break bones or end up in hospital. Recreational sports will allow you to build strength and mobility. This will make you more confident on your feet as you age. It will also reduce some of the aches and pains that come with the aging process.
Plus, you will be able to strengthen your bones. This is a good way of limiting the effects of osteoporosis. You’ll be able to limit the damage that you will experience if you have a fall.
While recreational sports can sometimes be intimidating for older people, there isn’t anything to be worried about. Often, you will be able to modify the sport to suit your level of movement and confidence.
7. Improved Immunity System
No one wants likes to get sick. Thankfully, exercise can be a good way of boosting your immune system. There are a few ways it does this. First, it helps boost your heart rate. This allows oxygen and nutrients to flow around the body more easily. Plus, as we’ll discuss later, it will reduce the amount of stress you are experiencing. Stress has been shown to impede the body’s immune response.
8. Lower Risk of Some Cancers
Some forms of cancer tend to be more likely in people who don’t do a lot of exercises. Even playing a single game of high-intensity sport each week might be able to reduce your chances of developing these cancers, such as bladder, breast, colon, kidney, lung, and stomach cancers.

9. Better Mood
Exercise is about more than just improving your physical health. It also has a profound impact on your mental health. As your body gets moving, you will find yourself releasing endorphins. This is what makes you feel happy after a gruelling sports session. If you are playing recreational sports regularly, you will be able to develop a more positive mood.
For some people, this can be about more than just feeling happier after the game. Scientists have shown that exercise can be a good way of treating serious mental health conditions. For example, many patients report that is an effective way of alleviating the symptoms of depression. Depending on the circumstances, exercise can be as effective as anti-depressant medication. It has also been used as a way of controlling anxiety.
10. Controlling Stress
Sadly, stress is becoming an increasingly common problem. According to a 2018 study, 74 percent of people in the UK found they were so stressed they felt unable to cope. As you can imagine, this has serious consequences for your mental health. High-stress levels have been known to lead to depression.
But stress can also have an impact on your physical health. It can raise blood pressure, increasing the chances that you will have a heart attack. It might also lead to chest pains or performance problems in the bedroom.
Thankfully, recreational sport is a good way of reducing stress. It also can help you form strong social bonds, giving you people who you can confide in.

11. Build a Social Network
The positive effects of recreational sports stretch beyond your body and mind. It can be a good way of helping someone else and getting closer to your local community. You will be surprised at the bonds that you will form through playing sport. There are countless stories of people coming along for a trial day and ending up with lifelong friends. Click here for 17 Reasons You Should Join a Social Sports Team
These social bonds are also good for your mental health. They give you a group of people that you can talk to your problems about. Sports clubs are filled with people who want to help you achieve both your sporting and personal goals. This is why many of these recreational sporting groups would love to welcome you into the fold, patiently explaining all the rules and giving you tips to improve.
12. Leadership Skills
If you are a parent who wants to give their children the best start in life, you might want to consider getting them to join a local sporting organization. This will give them a range of important skills. For example, they will be able to learn how to play as part of a team. They will also be equipped with the leadership skills needed to create and execute a plan successfully. With these talents, your children will be able to accomplish any goal that they decide to pursue. Click here for How to Build Sports Team Chemistry
Recreational sports are more than just a fun hobby to pursue in your spare time. As we’ve seen, it can have a profound impact on your life. Both your physical and mental health will benefit. Ultimately, increasing the amount of exercise you are getting will allow you to live a longer, more enjoyable life.
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