With heatwaves making their way through North America, beach volleyball players need to be concerned about more than just dehydration and UV rays. It’s also about the sand heating up and causing burns on the feet. According to Dr. Curt Armstrong from Conway Medical Center, sand can easily surpass 100 degrees, sending people to burn…
During the warmer months, we all want to get outside and enjoying the summer weather as much as we can. A great way to do this is to move your workout to the beach! The sun, sand, and surf make for a great backdrop for burning calories. But keep in mind that when we exercise,…
Summer! Like so many others, you’re heading to the beach to enjoy the coastline, soak up vitamin D, and work out with an unmatched view. But before diving into the surf, sand, and sun, take a moment to consider the following safety tips. Taking just a bit of time to be prepared will help ease…
It is hard to find a sport’s coach not singing the praises of yoga to his/her athletes. From professional football to little kid’s swim workouts, coaches everywhere are pushing yoga. So, why should volleyball players do yoga? According to Jill Wosmek, former Head Athletic Trainer for the U.S. Women’s National Volleyball Team, yoga assists volleyball…