35 Yummy Tournament Concession Stand Food Ideas and Prices




Popcorn for sale


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You are in charge of stocking the tournament’s concession stand. Fans might be there to check out the games, but you can bet they’re going to check out the concession stand, too! Whether you’re running it as a fund-raiser, or for profit, you’ll want to make sure you’re offering a range of yummy food options.

Where you start and what you serve is largely dependent on the type of atmosphere where you will be serving. Do you have a physical building and access to rapid stoves, microwaves or refrigeration, or are you mostly serving out of a table and stand with coolers as your primary way of keeping food fresh?

First time running a tournament concession stand? Check out this step-by-step article: Running a sports tournament concession stand


When pricing concession stand items, the main thing is that you want to make sure that you’re covering costs. The whole point of running the stand is to make money, after all! You also want to keep prices reasonable, and make it easy for customers to figure out how much they’re spending.

Keeping items priced on the even dollar or twenty-five cent mark is a good idea. It’s easier to add $1.00 + $1.50 than it is to add $1.35 + $0.85!

While setting prices is ultimately up to you, we’ve provided a guideline under each of the items below. Keep in mind they’re just suggestions, but this at least gives you a starting point. Always consider your overall budget, and what will make sense for your crowd.


The Food Environment of Youth Baseball observed six youth baseball teams in 2014. They took note of what type of food the players consumed during twelve games. Most snacks and food were junk-food items or sugary drinks. In fact, 89% of the food purchased from the concession stand was of no real nutritional value.

chalkboard menu

But, people want healthier options, too! Don’t just make your concession stand a junk food stand. By providing healthy, convenient choices, you’re leaving the decision up to your customers. While kids may be tempted to reach for the candy bars, parents will appreciate the healthy options.

The question then becomes, what is the best type of food to offer versus the most popular and convenient? Can this food be packaged in a way that is storable, as well as environmentally sound and quickly delivered? Read on to discover our top 35 concession stand food list – including both healthy and not-so-healthy choices!

Healthy snacking

The struggle young athletes face during competition is with nutrition. With back to back games and often little time to consume a full meal, the concession stand generally becomes the place for grab-and-go snacking. Parents rushing and cramming in multiple games and fields with potentially more than one kid do not always have time to preplan. So, the concession stand offering options solely based on the high-fructose corn syrup diet is not ideal for growing the strong, healthy kid that sports are intending.

1. Pretzels and Hummus

bag of small preztels spilling onto a table

High in protein and containing essential vitamins and minerals, hummus makes an easy snack for athletes. While we have it paired here with pretzels, it can be served with veggies, pita bread, or crackers. Either serve in single-serving containers or buy in bulk and dish out in a paper tray with veggies or pretzels wrapped in paper on the side.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $2.00, depending on serving size

2. Crackers

Look for whole-grain crackers and pair them with a dollop of peanut butter, hummus, or cheese spread. As a stand-alone snack, they provide carbohydrates needed for long tournaments or multi-day competitions. Further, they are easy to serve and in a variety of ways. From paper wrapped crackers to simply putting them in a dish, it is not entirely necessary to use single-use disposable bags, making them a bit more eco-friendly, too.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $2.00, depending on serving size

3. String Cheese

If you are trying to get protein in, keep in mind two rods of string cheese provide about 15 grams of protein. Serving this is simple, as most string cheese comes pre-packaged and you simply have to find a way to keep the cheese cold. With calcium and protein, this snack helps athletes repair and build muscle. If necessary, add apples for a sugar boost to the protein-calcium punch.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on serving size and your purchase cost

4. Eggs

white eggs in a carton

Turns out eggs are a solid recovery food for athletes. As a whole-food, eggs have branched chain amino acids that deliver high-quality protein. With a range of essential vitamins and minerals, eggs provide athletes with vitamin B12, folate, pantothenic acid, zinc, iron, vitamin E, and chromium. To power up this superfood, serve the eggs with carbohydrates, and these make perfect post-workout or competition food.

For ease of selling, hard-boiled eggs are the fastest and easiest method. They can be stored in a cold refrigerator if available. If not, if there is a portable fridge that can be hooked into an outlet, this would be the ideal situation. Coolers would work as well, provided that there are enough ice packs and eggs are kept at the bottom (in a container to avoid breakage, of course!).

For stands allowing multiple hookups, crockpots of scrambled eggs can be kept for morning games.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 per hardboiled egg, $1.00 per boil of scrambled eggs

5. Peanuts

In just one ounce of peanuts, you are being delivered healthy fat, hard-to-get nutrients and plant-based protein. Win-win. The nutrient-dense calories give actual fuel to the athlete and the fats are long-lasting energy for tournament players. Lean toward unsalted or dry-roasted/raw peanuts to keep from bloating during competition. Added bonus: these are easy to store and sell.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $2.00, depending on serving size

6. Pickle Pops

pickles on a wooden cutting board

Are you one of the individuals who craves pickle juice on a hot day? Turns out the juice is quite convenient for athletes. It contains calcium chloride and vinegar, which will ultimately help absorb essential minerals. So, when hydrating and using sports drinks with electrolytes, the pickle juice helps them do their job. The sodium and potassium in the pickle juice are exactly what is lost in sweat, so it helps gain those back while keeping cramps at bay.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size of pickle

7. Ants on a Log

This childhood favorite of celery with peanut butter and raisins provides a triple punch in the snack department. Storage and serving can be as simple as multiple logs rolled up in wax paper and tied with a rubber band or string. They will take a moment to put together, so not as convenient as grab and go.

Suggested pricing: $1.00

8. Yogurt

two plastic containers with yogurt, granola, and fruit

Already pre-packaged, if you have refrigeration or a stellar cooler, yogurt can be effortlessly served at concession stands. Pick between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt. Greek provides nearly double the protein but regular gives more calcium. Offer both if resources allow.

Suggested pricing: $1.00-$1.50, depending on your purchase price

9. Granola

Granola can be made at home and sold in concessions or pre-bought and divided up. You can sell this solo or with yogurt. Many health sections have granola cereal and multiple portions can be sold from one box. If you are looking for true health content, make sure to check out the labels as many granolas are chocked full of sugar.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on serving size

10. Nutritional bars

closeup of a granola bar without a wrapper

Health Warrior bars come with a huge dose of protein, fiber and omega 3s. Quest bars have 20 grams of protein with ingredients packing the bars full of other needed vitamins and minerals. Bonk Breaker PB & J is awesome for athletes for all the same reasons the typical sandwich is loved: high in protein and delivers energy.

These are just a few examples of nutritional bars that can be sold, and are suitably single-serving packaged. Just be careful the nutritional bars you are selling are in fact, nutritional, and not just packaged to look like it.

Suggested pricing: $1.00 – $3.00, depending on brand and your purchase price

11. Individual boxes of cereal

Individual boxes of cereal provide both a breakfast or snack option. They’re also easy to sell individually, there’s lots of flavor options, and they require minimal condiments (just a carton of milk) and utensils (just a spoon!). You can stick to just the healthy varieties, or throw in a couple sweet tooth options, too.

Suggested pricing: $1.00 – $2.00, depending on brand and your purchase price

Not So Healthy options

Although you want to make sure you have healthy items on hand, you’ll also want to satisfy the sweet and salty cravings out there. Don’t make junk food the only option at your snack booth. But keep in mind that everyone likes to indulge in some non-healthy snacking, too!

12. Candy bars

close up of a pile of various types of candy bars

Candy bars are a great option because they’re prepackaged, and convenient. They’re also easy to sell, as they are a recognizable item. You can also have a few different options, to satisfy everyone’s favorite.

Suggested pricing: $1.00 – $1.50, depending on brand, size, and your purchase price

13. Chips

Another fan-favorite! Chips are also already portioned into individual servings, so they’re easy to sell. And again, you can have a few different flavors, so that there’s options for everyone.

Suggested pricing: $1.00 – $1.50, depending on brand, size, and your purchase price

14. Popsicles or Freezies

close up of a person holding a single popsicle

Even if your venue isn’t outside, popsicles or Freezies are a great treat. They’re both flavorful and refreshing. They’re also easy to store, as you just need a cooler to keep them frozen.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on serving size

Lunch items

When there is a break of a few hours, sometimes it is still not enough time to leave the court or field to travel for food. Other times, there is enough time but the parking lot madness just simply does not make it worth the commute. The concession stand must have adequate supply of food for the athletes to recharge. Although limiting factors must be taken into account such as no available grill or electricity, there are alterations that can be done for some of the foods or at least ways to provide more than chips and a soda for refreshment.

15. Pre-made sandwiches or wraps

Sandwiches, while ideal for combining multiple body needs at once, pose a tricky situation if there is no option for refrigeration. With lunch meat having the ability to spoil, the last thing you want to serve up your athletes is food poisoning. Make sure to take measures to ensure any meat is stored properly.

variety of sandwiches and wraps in different plastic containers

Turkey on whole wheat bread, for example, gives both a splash of protein as well as carbs for the upcoming game. An easier one is simply peanut butter and jelly. Using peanut butter low in both sugar and sodium, peanut butter and jelly is a good source of unsaturated fats, protein, vitamin B, iron and zinc.

You can always give this one an eco-friendly boost by wrapping sandwiches in paper wrapping and not plastic wrap.

Suggested pricing: between $3.00-$5.00, depending on fillings and sandwich size

16. Bean burritos with cheese, lettuce, tomato

Really, burritos of any sort are a great seller. They are easy to wrap, hold, and consume. Bean burritos give options for protein with some additional veggies for nutrients. The downside is making, wrapping and storing them if you have an outdoor venue. The upside is they will likely sell during tournaments and longer events.

Suggested pricing: between $3.00-$5.00, depending on fillings

17. Walking Tacos

A popular concession stand seller has become walking tacos. Instead of using a taco shell or tortilla, the base is a bag of nacho chips (like Doritos or Fritos). Customers can then add the toppings of their choice, including taco meat, shredded lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream… and any other toppings that you can think of!

The great thing is that they’re individually sized, and customers can customize their own. The hitch is that you’ll need to think of a range of toppings, and store them appropriately (like keeping sour cream cold).

Suggested pricing: between $3.00-$5.00, depending on fillings

18. Bagels

half a bagel with strawberry jam spead

Bagels are a great option, because they can be served toasted or not, they’re naturally a single-serving, and you can have multiple toppings for them! If your stand has the option of a toaster, bagels are a nice warm option. Cream cheese, jam, and peanut butter are classic options. You could also get creative with different flavors of cream cheese or jam.

Suggested pricing: between $1.00-$1.50, depending on size

19. Crock pot chili

Don’t rule out warm options! Crock pots are a great way to transport and keep items warm throughout the day. Chili is a great option, because you can make it the day before, and just heat it up. And that flavorful aroma will waft through the venue, enticing customers to check out where it’s coming from.

You can also have a vegetarian option, so that you’re catering to multiple customers. Just remember that you’ll need a serving spoon, individual bowls, and utensils. You can also provide some yummy toppings, like cheese, sour cream, and crackers.

Suggested pricing: between $2.00 – $3.00, depending on serving size

20. Order in pizza!

half a takeout pizza in a cardboard box

If you’re running a volunteer concession stand, consider ordering in pizza or other take-out options. This gives customers the opportunity to have hot food when they’re ready for it. You could take orders in the morning, so that you know exactly how much to order. And then it’s hot and ready for customers at lunch!

Your league might even have a pre-existing relationship with a local pizzeria, or they might give a discount since you’re buying in bulk. It’s also a good idea to give your pizza supplier a heads up that they’re getting a large order, so that they’re not getting a surprise order for 50 pizzas! This will also help to plan the timing of delivery, so that your customers aren’t waiting around.

Suggested pricing: between $1.50 – $2.50, depending on size of slice. (You could also combo a slice and drink for $4.00)


While sodas still sit on most concession stands, they are not even close to what we should be offering athletes or fans. If the competition is held outdoors in the heat, sodas will likely further dehydrate an individual. That said, many people really want their Coke. So, you you are offering soda, make sure you also have alternatives for those who are trying to take a healthier route.

21. Water

multiple bottles of water

Water is still the best option for athletes under the age of 13. Water is the best drink option for many sports. Make sure when you are stocking up on beverages, you ensure there is enough water for the day. If you have the ability to provide filtered tap water, this could be sold at a lower rate.

Suggested pricing: between $1.00 – $1.50

22. Milk or juice

Both milk and juice have the potential to cause an upset stomach for athletes; however, many athletes have family or friends coming to watch. Small children and their parents will likely be thankful to have options other than soda to give to their children. Also, if anyone has a diabetic emergency, it is convenient to have orange juice on hand.

Suggested pricing: between $1.00 – $1.50

23. Sports drinks

If you host events where athletes could be practicing or playing for more than an hour, make sure to stock up sports drinks. The drinks help replenish lost electrolytes and contain salt to satisfy the need for potassium and chloride. Keep in mind these drinks often have artificial colors and additives, but most parents and athletes know if this will pose an issue.

Suggested pricing: between $1.00 – $2.00, depending on your purchase cost

24. Coffee and Tea

two stainless steel jugs on a buffet table

Don’t just think about the athletes! Fans and coaches will be grateful for a coffee or tea boost, especially for those early morning games. You will of course need to think about the condiments and supplies that go along with coffee and tea (milk, cream, sugar, lids, etc), but these classic cuppas are definitely worth it.

Suggested pricing: between $1.00 – $1.50, depending on cup size

Natural foods

There is really nothing easier than offering natural foods that need little to no packaging and barely any refrigeration. Often, concession stands get very wrapped up in pre-packaged items with brand names when the simplest options sometimes provide the best nutrition.

25. Fruits and veggies

bowl of red apples

The options of fruits and veggies is endless. Baby carrots, celery sticks, or sliced peppers make great wrapped snacks. Bananas, oranges, and apples pretty much come in their own packaging.

Keep in mind clientele. If there are lots of small children where you are selling, perhaps skip the grapes which pose a choking hazard.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on serving size

26. Dried fruit

Although high in sugar, dried fruit can satisfy a sweet tooth without quite as much sugar as a candy bar. It’s a good option to have, and convenient because it comes prepackaged as well.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on serving size

Best Home Baked Items

There’s nothing as comforting as home-baked goodness. A concession stand is a great time for volunteers to show off their baking skills, while supporting a good cause. Some may be healthier than others, but they will all be tempting. Here is a list of items that are great at a concession stand.

27. Muffins

multiple muffins on a table

These are already individually sized, so serving sizes don’t need to be thought about. You could also have more than one batch of different flavored muffins, as everyone has their favorites. It’s easy to include healthy ingredients, like fruit, vegetables, or nuts in muffins. Just be sure that they’re labelled.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size

28. Cupcakes

The not so healthy cousin of the muffin, the cupcake is really just a mini-cake. It may not be as healthy as a muffin, but they still have the potential of being a great seller on game day.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size

29. Rice Krispies

These are great to serve at a concession stand, because they’re classic, they’re durable, and they’re yummy. Maybe a bit sticky, but have napkins on hand!

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size

30. Cookies

close up of 4 piles of chocolate chip cookies

Another classic, cookies are always a crowd-pleaser. Again, there’s infinite flavors of cookies, so you can have more than one volunteer contributing a batch. You could stick with the classic chocolate chip cookie, or let your bakers get creative. Either way, you probably won’t’ have to worry about leftovers!

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size

31. Bars or Brownies

 pile of chocolate brownies on a plate

Bars or brownies are a great concession stand item because they’re easily sold individually. There’s also so many varieties, there will surely be a choice for all customers.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $1.00, depending on size

Profitable concession stand items

The goal of a concession stand is ultimately to make money. While the following list is not the healthiest (in fact, it is likely the least), these are the current leaders in profit margin in the concession stand world.

Equipment is required to offer these, so they may not be feasible, but with their high income, we wanted to mention them. So, make sure you consider your overall budget vs the earning potential of these items. If the costs outweigh the potential profits, they may not be a good idea. But, if one of these ends up being a hit, you might be making some great profits!

Keep in mind, while they add revenue to your bottom line, there is no real nutritional value added to your energy supply.

32. Cotton Candy

person making cotton candy

This sugary wisp on a stick lands about a 94-97% profit margin. Outside of the machine, costs run about 13 cents each serving. Most places sell each treat for around $2 each. Bagged cotton candy will not give the same return, yet is often a high seller, still. With no nutritional value, its only purpose is a quick high and to keep the small kids hyped up during games.

Suggested pricing: $2.00, depending on serving size and your cost

33. Shaved Ice

multiple coloured snow cone

Hot, long days in the sun drive up sales for shaved ice. Unless you want to hand crank a cumbersome machine, there is a large initial cost for an ice shaver. Once this cost is realized, you are looking at about an 80% profit margin. Each shaved ice runs around 30 cents a cup for the ice, syrup, cup and straw. You can make them a bit more environmentally friendly by using paper cups and straws. Some companies even have a cup that can be brought back and refilled for a reduced cost.

Suggested pricing: $1.00 – $2.00, depending on serving size and your cost

34. Popcorn

popped popcorn in a striped popcorn box

Popcorn – a staple concessions stand item that became largely popular when sugar was rationed. This child favorite brings in about 74-82% profit with its cost at only slightly more than a quarter a serving.

You can serve this up as fancy or plain as you would like. Some concession stands make this a sugary drizzled treat with chocolate and caramel while others pour on melted butter. Others just serve plain or with a sprinkle of cheese.

You have a few options for making popcorn: you either need a popcorn machine and electricity, you can pre-pop and bag before the event (keep in mind it might go a bit stale before being sold), or you can bring in a microwave and pop bags as they’re ordered. The choice ultimately depends on your venue.

Suggested pricing: $0.50 – $2.00, depending on serving size and your cost

35. Nachos with cheese

pile of nachos with cheese sauce

This is a crowd pleaser. Like popcorn, you can make them as fancy as you want. Add in jalapeños, bacon, or any other toppings but know the extra toppings will drive up your cost. For just cheese, nachos and a dish, the snack generally brings in 60-75% profit.

A few things to consider. One: a hot topping dispenser generally runs $600 to $800 so if you want hot cheese you can pump, take this into consideration. Two: nachos are a thirst-magnet so likely your sales of drinks will rise by offering this staple.

Suggested pricing: $2.00 – $4.00, depending on serving size, toppings, and your cost

In the world of concession stands, you get to pick what you serve. By focusing on not just the quick, sugary items, but also what athletes and families need, you can go beyond the chips, pop, and cavity-inducing snacks that generally fill the snack shop. In the end, concessions should support the people it serves, which in this case, are ones who need more than a 16-ounce Slushie and a Ring Pop.

Happy snacking!

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