You’ve made the volleyball team, but you don’t know any cheers or chants to show your pride and excitement! What are some cheers that can bring your team together? What are some chants that you can say to encourage your teammates?
Volleyball cheers and chants are strongly encouraged to motivate and inspire teams to keep up the energy and great effort. These cheers continue throughout the game to boost the morale and power of the players. If you’re new to the team or just in the stands, keep reading to discover 14 funny volleyball chants and cheers that are perfect for game day.

Cheers and Chants Before the Game
Volleyball is an intense sport, and the players need all the encouragement they can get to boost their spirits and prepare them for the game. Whether on the team or in the stands, cheering right before the game is a great way to pump up the spirit and prepare for a win. Try the following cheers to get your team pumped up and ready to win!
1. Who Do We Appreciate?
Who do we appreciate?
Not the king
Not the queen
Only the [team name] volleyball team!
Who Do We Appreciate? Is a cheer to let your team know you support them before and during the game! Use this cheer with the team name or individual players before they serve to show them you believe in them!
2. Spirit Call
Hold up, wait a minute,
Let me put some spirit into it!
[Team Name] break it down,
Knock this team straight out of town!
Spirit Call is a great chant that shows the team how powerful they are! This funny chant can be paired with a bit of a dance at the end that boosts their spirits and energy right before the first serve.
3. Let’s Get Physical
Let’s get physical
Get down, get hard, get mean
Let’s get physical
And beat that other team.
Let’s Get Physical is a cheer that gets players down to business. It reminds them they need to get down, get hard, and get mean! Not only will this cheer motivate your team to win, but it will also put them in the right energy and mindset for the entire game.
4. Whoopee
We’re number one
Can’t be number 2
And we’re going to beat
The whoopee out of you!
Whoopee is a chant meant for the team players to sing right before the game starts to intimidate the other team. It focuses on the fact that they will win and do their best to keep their spot as number one.
5. Our Space
Don’t try to get all in our space
‘Cause we’ll slam that ball back in your face
Our Space is a great chant for the players on the court right before the game starts. This chant reminds the other team that you’re powerful, and they should be scared to get up close with a set or spike because you will spike it right back at them!
6. Hotter than Hot
We’ve got a team that’s hotter than hot!
How hot is hot?
Let me show you what we’ve got!
Bumping, setting, and spiking too,
So hit the ball like we know you can do!
Hotter Than Hot is a funny cheer that gets the team feeling HOT! This cheer reminds the team that they are prepared and capable of beating the other team. Use this cheer to boost the spirits of the entire team right before the game.
7. Bump, Set, Spike!
Keep those [opposing team name]
On the floor!
Bump Set Spike! Is an excellent pre-game cheer to motivate and remind the team to give it all that they’ve got so they can win!

Cheers and Chants During the Game
While getting the team motivated before the game is critical, it’s crucial to keep up the cheers and chants while the game goes on. You can cheer at any moment during the game, primarily’ when your team is serving or if they get the point or block the ball! Click here for How to Be a Good Bench Player
8. Duck and Hide
You better duck
You better hide
‘Cause (server’s name) is serving to your side
If you’re a volleyball player, serving can be a stressful moment. Use the Duck and Hidecheer to make the team server more confident and calm during the game!
9. Whoosh!
Woosh (slide stepping in one direction), what was that?
Woosh (slide stepping on the floor in the opposite direction), you hear that?
Never worry, never fear.
That’s just (server’s name)’s ball flying past your ear!
Whoosh! Is a funny cheer that you can use right after your team scores! It could be used after a spike or a serve when the ball is untouched by any of the other team’s players.
10. On Fire
Look over here!
Look over there!
I see smoke everywhere!
She’s burning up the court
Oh, wait! It’s [name].
WEEO WEEO ( firetruck noise)
On Fire is a hilarious cheer you can use after a volley, spike, or serve in which your team scores! Just put in the names, and your team will be able to celebrate the point they just earned!
11. ACE
We want another one
Just like the other one
ACE! Is a very common volleyball cheer used during games when the ball goes untouched by the other team during a serve! It’s short and straightforward but celebrates all the same.
12. Access Denied
Awe access (stomp)
Denied (throw your hands up in an x)
This hilarious cheer is a PERFECT celebration for a blocked spike! Use it right after the ball hits the ground in a synchronous chant for the best effect!
13. Shank That Ball
To the window,
To the wall!
We saw you
Shank that ball.
Shank that ball is an excellent cheer for when the other team hits the ball and it goes in a crazy direction, so their players can’t play it!

After the Game
After the game, especially if you win, your team should celebrate with one last chant! Try out the cheer “Hors d’oeuvres” the next time your team wins. Click here for Eating out after your game: the best postgame snacks
14. Hors d’oeuvres
We’ve got moves, we’ve got serves.
Let’s celebrate with hors d’oeuvres!
Pump, pump, pump, pump it up! Keep that player spirit up! If you have recently joined a volleyball team, these cheers and chants will keep you and your teammates motivated and energized to win the game. Whether you’re actively playing, sitting on the sidelines, or watching from afar, you and your cheers play a crucial role in bringing your team to victory!
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