Author: Irena

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  • Boy playing video games

    How to Regulate Social Media with Recreational Activities

    We all know technology and social media have taken over our lives. People nowadays aren’t getting as much time for recreational activities because social media has put us in a trance. How can you regulate social media intake and add more recreational activities to your schedule? People work well with routines and schedules, so set…

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  • Volleyball on gym floor

    Can You Use Your Feet While Playing Volleyball?

    If you play volleyball, you may know all the basic rules. But what happens if you can’t reach the ball with your hands or arms? Can you use your feet? According to the official rules of NCAA volleyball, using your feet or any part of your body is perfectly legal if the ball does not…

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  • Woman doing yoga

    26 Best Indoor Recreational Activities For All Ages

    Finding a way to entertain the family or group of friends when going outdoors is not an option can be difficult. Depending on the group’s age levels, it may be simple to figure out an age-appropriate activity. At other times, not so much. There are always ways to entertain yourself and your family and friends.…

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  • Volleyball Team cheer

    14 Volleyball Chants and Cheers For Game Day

    You’ve made the volleyball team, but you don’t know any cheers or chants to show your pride and excitement! What are some cheers that can bring your team together? What are some chants that you can say to encourage your teammates? Volleyball cheers and chants are strongly encouraged to motivate and inspire teams to keep…

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  • Family picture

    13 Family Recreational Activities That Cost Very Little

    You and your family want to spend some time together outside the house. You want to do some recreational activities, but the cost isn’t affordable.  What sports and activities can you do with your family that are affordable and fun? There are many recreational activities that you can do with your family at a very…

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  • Snowboarder

    50 Sports Everyone Can Do by Themselves

    You’re looking for a new hobby but not sure where to start. You could do sports with a team, but sometimes it’s not always an option. Solo sports and hobbies allow you to think and have time for yourself. So what sports can people do alone? There are many sports and games that everyone can…

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